Title Race Is At Break Of New Fawn
John Mann put on quite a show as Steve Chapman 501 League leaders Cherry Tree B were roundly beaten 9-2 by title rivals and current...
Shaun Drawn Into Title Battle
The topsy-turvy Legends Lounge Premier League 1 title race took another twist with a fourth leadership change in five weeks as Sean...
Wheat's Heat Too Much For Leaders
Richard Wheatley (31.28) continued his stellar form with a 32 dart 1001 leg during a Tradesmans A 10-3 demolition job on top side Victory...
Kirsty Thirsty For 170
Kirsty Whiting-O'Brien became the first player this Plymouth City Super League season to net a 'big fish' 170 checkout in Victory's 10-1...
The Beacon Was Lit And White Answered
Beacon Park are the new Plymouth Open League Division A champions after an 8-3 win over their closest rivals Victory, who could've pipped...
You've Scott It!
Scott Wapshott's stunning seventeen ton haul for Trademans in a 7-4 Monday Premier League success over King Billy A dominated a high...
Dan The Legends Man
Dan Jewell fired three maximums in the Legends Lounge Premier League 2 during an outstanding 7-5 win over Simon Wilbraham. That win...